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12 And each tree bearing fruit shall grow on the strand, in the rivers thereof on each side; a leaf thereof shall not fall down, and the fruit thereof shall not fail; by all months it shall bear first fruits, for the waters thereof shall go out of the saintuary; and the fruits thereof shall be into meat, and the leaves thereof to medicine. (And every tree bearing fruit shall grow by the stream, on its banks on each side; none of their leaves shall fall down, and none of their fruit shall fail; in every month they shall bear first fruits, for the water there shall have gone out from the sanctuary; and their fruit shall be for food, and their leaves for shall be medicine.)

13 The Lord God saith these things, This is the end, in which ye shall wield the land, in the twelve lineages of Israel; for Joseph hath double part. (The Lord God saith these things, These be the borders, or the boundaries, in which ye shall possess the land, among the twelve tribes of Israel; for Joseph hath a double portion.)

14 Forsooth ye shall wield it, each man evenly as his brother; on which I raised mine hand, that I should give to your fathers; and this land shall fall to you into possession. (And ye shall possess it, each man equally like his brother; on which I raised up my hand, that I should give it to your forefathers; and this land shall fall to you into a possession.)

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